Vinyl wrapping

A car is a precious item owned by many; some cherish their vehicle almost as much as their own loved ones. So, it is staggering to find out that not everyone knows about the viable options to keep your car looking in good shape. What is car wrapping? By wrapping your car, you can change the look of your vehicle without the need for a complicated and potentially expensive paint respray. To help our consumers we will discuss what the key differences are between vinyl wrapping your car vs painting it.

Cost comparison

So how much does it cost to vinyl wrap your car? Average rates for a full wrap can cost anywhere between £1,000 – £5,000. The price is purely dependant on the size of vehicle you own as a smaller car saves expenses on procedures such as time and labour costs.

Compare this to the cost of a simple full repaint of a car which is between £1000 – £3000. However, repainting prices also determine on the size of the vehicle and this price does not include adding features that can be possible with vinyl. Wrapping your car in vinyl is a more cost-effective way of achieving a personalised exterior all the while costing less than an expensive paint job.


All car owners wish to avoid every bump, scratch, and dent as much as possible. Therefore, vinyl wrapping your car is a must. It’s inevitable that regularly travelling around in your car can lead to unwanted scrapes and scratches, some things are out of our control. This could arise from a rogue pebble on the motorway bouncing off the bonnet or misjudging how much accessibility you have in a parking space.

Wrapping your car in Vinyl does not only look fantastic but adds a layer of protection from these elements!


Another reason why vinyl wrapping your car can be beneficial is that it is easily removable. A study found that the average person keeps a brand-new car for no longer than 6 years – so what happens in the reselling process when nobody has the same admiration for the vibrant lime colour you once adored and repainted your vehicle in? It takes up time and could eventually cost you money having to change the paint.

Vinyl wrapping your car takes all that stress away as the wrap can be easily removed whilst protecting your car’s paintwork and causing no cracking or peeling of your car’s original paintwork.

If you are looking for cost-effective and eye-catching vinyl wrapping for your car then get in touch with M3 Digital Print today. Our team will discuss your requirements with you to help create the perfect custom graphics for your business.