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If you are planning an upcoming office update or makeover, you may be pleased to know that a much-needed change of scenery can benefit your employee’s wellbeing. It may not necessarily make sense at first but an aesthetically pleasing working environment can lead to lower stress levels and greater productivity and morale in the long run. If you are wondering how much of a difference an office update can really make, continue reading to find out.

It can promote teamwork and collaboration

If your employees are accustomed to working individually or on distinct projects, making the switch from separate cubicles to an open plan office can promote teamwork and collaboration amongst your entire workforce. This can allow your staff to connect with one another on a deeper level and may also lead to long-lasting friendships that continue outside of work. If your open plan office provides little opportunity to communicate, on the other hand, switching desks around or introducing separate spaces for socialisation can encourage employees to converse both personally and professionally.

It can be a welcome distraction

If your employees spend hours typing wordy documents or in meetings or conference calls, an office update can be a welcome distraction from their daily routines. If you want to inject an additional layer of colour into an otherwise bland office, for example, vinyl wrapping can be a great way to fill a blank space and put your own unique spin on the space where you and your employees spend the majority of your working day. If you are looking to make small changes on an ongoing basis, the addition of plants, artwork, or rugs can also allow you to personalise your office and achieve a sense of consistency and flow across your entire brand.

It can boost personal development

It is in an office environment where your employees will experience the most opportunities for growth and development at work. It is, therefore, worth investing in a number of features or changes that can inspire them to work to their maximum potential and, in turn, boost personal development in the process. This can be done by ensuring a manager is present and available in the office at all times, scheduling regular progress meetings in a separate meeting room, and introducing a visible rewards scheme.

It can maintain a sense of company culture

If you are struggling to maintain a sense of company culture, an office update may be exactly what you and your employees need. It can remind everyone of their shared goals as a business and ensure individual employees are committed to fulfilling their role both passionately and efficiently. If you are considering investing in vinyl wrapping for a large unused space, for example, emblazoning it with your company logo is one of the best ways to maintain a sense of company culture.

If you are looking for ways to update your office that will benefit your employees’ wellbeing, M3 Digital Print can assist with your vinyl wrapping needs and design the perfect commercial wrap installation that is guaranteed to wow customers and clients and ensure your employees are proud to work in such a cutting-edge office. To find out everything you need to know or to receive an answer to your question, get in touch with our dedicated team of experts today.